Applicator Port Signal Timing for all Modes


This document descibes the Applicator Port Timing for the various Mode settings.

Normal operation is as follows for Mode 1 and 2

  1. A complete label format is sent to the printer and DATA READY transitions from High to Low
  2. The Start Print Signal from the host initiates the printing and END PRINT changes state indicating printing is in progress (initial signal level is Mode dependant)
  3. The label completes printing and the END PRINT signal changes state and if no complete formats have been received by the printer the DATA READY will transition from LOW to HIGH.

 Mode 1 and 2 Timing Diagrams


**Note: If multiple formats are received Data Ready (pin 14) will remain low  between the time the first complete label format is received and the last label in the buffer has completed printing.




Mode 3 and 4 END PRINT is pulsed when the printer completes the printing cycle.

Normal operation for Mode 3 and 4

  1. A complete label format is sent to the printer and DATA READY transitions from High to Low
  2. The Start Print Signal from the host initiates the printing 
  3. The label completes printing and the END PRINT signal pulses indicating the label printing is complete  (pulse transition is Mode dependent)
  4. If no complete formats have been received by the printer the DATA READY will transition from LOW to HIGH.

Mode 3 and 4 Timing diagrams.